19 Sep 2024

Trade Show Triumph: Glee 2024 Boosts Harvest Pet Products Growth

Harvest Pet Products Hall: Hall 6-10 Stand: 9C56-B57

Harvest Pet supplies at Glee

  • 'We expect to more than double our customer base as a result of attending Glee'
    Hannah Dawson, Marketing Manager, Harvest Pet Products



1. What specific goals did you have in mind when you decided to exhibit at Glee, and how well were those goals achieved?

2024 was the first time exhibiting at Glee in our 25-year history. We booked the stand this year to display our two new brand ranges (The Wild Bird and Suet Shop), alongside our own label offering. Our main goal was to showcase our offerings to potential customers, to put our name out there to a wider audience, and to make valuable new connections in the industry. Glee more than exceeded our expectations and we spent the three days having some very worthwhile and meaningful conversations with people from a wide range of companies and backgrounds. 500 goodie bags were given out, along with 800 product samples to buyers. Hopefully this means that 1,300 gardens are now receiving visits from feathered friends, enticed in by our super premium suet coconuts!


2. How has showcasing your products/services at this event impacted your brand visibility or market presence?

Showcasing our products at Glee has been a perfect way to take the next step forward as a business and put our name out there on the main stage. We were lucky enough to win the guest spot on The Underground Podcast, so our CEO, Matt, spent a fantastic half an hour talking to them about the history of Harvest and the nutrients that go into wild bird food. We have welcomed new followers to our social media channels, seen an uplift in website visits and connected with people who we have never had the opportunity to meet before.


3. Were there any unexpected opportunities or insights you gained from the show?

Alongside winning the guest podcast opportunity and receiving a surprise invitation to become a Glee case study, we found the show to be full of both opportunity and insight. In particular, we connected with companies from areas outside of our traditional output, as well as making some great media connections and speaking with a potential brand ambassador. We looked round some fantastic stands and learned a lot to help with planning for next year.


Glee Harvest Underground Podcast

Image: Matt Bryant, CEO of Harvest Pet Products, being interviewed for The Underground Podcast



  • Our team came away from the event feeling hugely motivated, inspired and ready to drive forward our next phase of growth.
    Hannah Dawson, Marketing Manager, Harvest Pet Products



4. What would you say is the most significant return on investment (ROI) you’ve seen from participating in this trade show, whether financially or strategically?

We expect to more than double our customer base as a result of attending Glee, and are in talks with dozens of new potential customers. For our first time attending a trade show of any kind, we felt the week was extremely beneficial and can’t wait to come back again.


5. How would you describe the overall atmosphere at Glee, and how did it enhance your ability to connect with potential customers or partners?

The atmosphere at Glee was fun and friendly, with a real buzz of excitement in the air. People came wanting to have positive interactions, and it meant that we were able to talk to hundreds of people about Harvest and wild bird care.


6. What opportunities did the organisers provide, such as workshops, networking events, or speaking sessions, online promotion that helped you get the most out of your experience here?

The organisers provided a whole host of opportunities for exhibitors and attendees, and it was great to see guest speakers discussing a variety of subjects. The app was a handy tool to organise meetings, and we particularly benefitted from the private area where we could arrange buyer meetings.


7. What are your top tips for exhibitors planning to attend Glee next year?

Our top tips for exhibitors planning to attend Glee next year are:

  • Sign-up for opportunities: Submit your guest blog, enter a new product and get your name out there.
  • Take time to speak to people outside your target area: We established connections with people who we never imagined we would have conversations with.
  • Take inspiration from other trade stands: There were so many innovative stands on display, so it’s worth seeing how you can use this inspiration to level up for next year.
  • Prioritise your comfort: Shoes with arch support, water bottle, chap stick, comfortable clothing; all essentials when working at a trade show!



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