Staying connected with your customers using social media
During this time, it is easy for us all to feel isolated and disconnected as we continue to get used to a new normal. However, whilst we might be separated physically, technology is enabling us to be more connected than ever. We've shared some of our top tips for staying connected on social media during the lockdown period.
Make it a conversation
Ask for opinions, get users to send in their content, consider creating polls and interactive features. Now is the perfect time to show your followers that their opinion really matters to you. In the long run, sparking up a dialogue will lead to increased brand loyalty and much stronger relationships with customers.
Tell a story
Social media stories, or ephemeral content, have been gaining momentum for a while now, and with good reason. As customers seek out authenticity from the brands, retailers and influencers they follow, story content offers the behind-the-scenes glimpse they've been after. Unlike perfect posts and polished photography (which of course, also have their place!), this kind of content offers a more human, more immediate insight into what brands are doing in the here and now.
Go live
Just like story content, live content offers an immediacy and connectedness that just can't be delivered through general posting. This could be something as simple as a Q&A with your followers, that, again, let's them know you're listening and that you're still there for them.
Share user generated content
If you've already built an engaged online community, then your followers will jump at the chance to be featured on your profiles or in your stories. Consider developing a bespoke hashtag for your followers to use or ask them to tag you in their pictures. Sharing your favourites will encourage your followers' communities to follow you and build a buzz amongst your exisiting fans.
Have some fun
Yes, you have a business account, no, that doesn't mean all your content has to be strictly business only. Have fun with your content, sharing user generated content, competitions, or fun or interesting web links. Make sure these are still relevant to and appropriate for your business, however.