Marketing support

Marketing support

We want you to get the most out of exhibiting at Glee, so we have the following marketing support and materials available to help you boost your business profile before, during and after the show.

1. Marketing assets

Start using our brand new marketing assets for Glee 2024, including email signature banners and logos, to promote your presence. To save the assets, simply right click on the banner or logo you'd like to use and click 'save as'.

1080 x 1080

Glee 2024

1080 x 1080

Glee 2024

1080 x 1080

Glee 2024

300 x 250

Glee 2024

300 x 250

Glee 2024

700 x 175

Glee 2024

700 x 175

Glee 2024

700 x 175

Glee 2024

2. Get featured in our marketing campaign

We want to feature your imagery in our email, social, content marketing and PR campaigns, so our community of buyers can look out for you at Glee 2024. (The deadline for receiving social media support has passed, as we are now at capacity. Thank you for your understanding)

How do I get involved?

Please email

3. PR support

Glee’s dedicated PR team are promoting the show to key media companies, to shout about all the amazing brands and product collections featured at the show.

To speak to the PR team, please get in touch:

Kimberley Hornby
Tel: 07851 610573

4. Invite your buyers

You can invite your buyers to the show with personalised invitations, using our custom buyer invite generator. 

Invite Your Buyers