25 May 2023

Eco Fuego Fuels Demand with Game-Changing Eco-Firepit that Cuts CO2 Output by 90%

Eco Fuego Hall: Hall 6-10 Stand: 10B65
Eco Fuego Fuels Demand with Game-Changing Eco-Firepit that Cuts CO2 Output by 90%
Eco Fuego Fuels Demand with Game-Changing Eco-Firepit that Cuts CO2 Output by 90%

HENLEY-ON-THAMES, OXFORDSHIRE, May 25, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ -- Eco Fuego, creator of the world’s most eco-friendly fire pit, has launched its new range of classic and contemporary pits in time for summer. The UK launch, which is being backed by Blue Diamond and other leading garden centres across the country, follows the successful development of its latest vegetable wax refill that replaces the need for conventional wood-burning.

Eco Fuego fire pits are fuelled by a single candle which generates powerful, hypnotic flames. Using Eco Fuego’s specially-formulated, 100% vegetable wax instead of wood means that CO2 output is reduced by up to 90%, and there is minimal smoke and odour. The cost for consumers is also reduced by more than two-thirds, with a single wax refill generating eight hours of hot flame – the same as six bags of kiln-dried logs.

Following its design launch at last year’s prestigious SOLEX summer outdoor living event in Birmingham, Eco Fuego (known then as El Fuego) won the award for Best Individual Product.

The new improved formula of sustainably-sourced vegetable wax behind Eco Fuego is already a staple within the European crop-growing and wine-making communities through its sister business, the Crop Candle Company. Now, the same candle technology is bringing huge value to the domestic outdoor entertaining market, which grew hugely during the pandemic, and has remained strong.

There are more than 23 million gardens in the UK, but many people lack the space or the permission to operate wood-burning fire pits. Eco Fuego is giving more households the opportunity to enjoy longer evenings in the garden, relaxing or socialising with friends – without any hassle or risk.

“Many people don’t really consider the potential harm caused by wood smoke, both to their health and to the environment,” says Tim Jeffs, Founder of Eco Fuego. “When you breathe in smoke, the particles can get deep into your respiratory system causing stinging eyes, runny nose and coughing. In extreme cases, exposure to wood smoke can cause serious health issues. We wanted to provide a safe, sustainable alternative that delivers all of the benefits of conventional fire pits without the health risks.”

Eco Fuego fire pit quick facts:

• Eco-Friendly - The Eco Fuego burns only 1.4kg of CO2/hr, compared to conventional fire pits which burn up to 15kg CO2/hr
• Convenient - The pits are ideal for any garden including small town houses, as you don’t need anywhere to store logs
• Social - You and your guests will not have to dodge wood smoke or smell of bonfires at the end of the evening!
• Spontaneous - Eco Fuego lights and can be extinguished in seconds, making it perfect for impromptu entertaining
• Economical - Each refill gives a burn time that is the equivalent of 90-100 kiln-dried logs
• Portable - Eco Fuego fire pits are not confined to gardens. Simply pack them up and take them with you on camping trips and other outdoor events

Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUcxQ03NHr4

About Eco Fuego - From vineyard to back garden

The Crop Candle Company was set up to help winemakers and crop growers protect their crops from frost during Spring. Its original mission was to produce a candle that burned less CO2 and did not compromise on burn time and calorific heat output. Crop Candle’s products are now used in vineyards all over Europe to protect grapes from harsh weather.

But Tim and his colleagues realised that the same technology could have other applications too. The candles produce an amazing flame that needs no attention and will dance at the same height without being tended to. With no odour and minimum smoke, it presented a fantastic opportunity to create beautiful, safe, eco-friendly fire pits for gardens all over the UK.

“Even in the short time we have been making Eco Fuego available to the general public, the feedback has been universally positive,” Tim says. “Many people lack the outdoor space needed to keep a conventional wood-burner, so this has revolutionised outdoor entertaining for them. But the most interesting thing has been how many people commented on how refreshing it was to have a real flame without all the smoke. It’s incredibly exciting to be able to offer people a truly green alternative to wood-burning fire pits.”

To find out more about Eco Fuego, visit https://www.elfuegoworld.com/ or contact:
